“I wasn't jealous 'cause of the talents they got I was terrified
they'll be the last black boys to fly Out of Compton…”


Here is a brief bar analysis for the musical compositionon “Black Boy Fly” by the LA great Kendrick Lamar…


When I began the book “Slave Minds” I had an idea of what I wanted to do then ended up doing something totally different. What I realized is that the slaves had the option to risk their lives and escape for freedom and that being a slave, in general, was a choice. A hard choice with great contributing factors, but a choice nonetheless. The last three bars in Kendrick Lamar’s magnificent musical piece titled “Black Boy Fly” summarized the key issue plaguing the minds of the average inner-city black youth.

The minds of the slaves were filled with no hope for freedom and believed they could be nothing but slaves. Some became comfortable and at peace with the situation, others became angry, anxious, and depressed. When the captives spoke of freedom the pressure from pessimism and lack of group efforts prevented the slaves from acting upon such a thought. In some cases, the slaves were happy for their fellow plantation mates when they attained their freedom, but the fear of being a slave caused them to turn on one another and commit “black on black crime,” in bondage. Similar to the black people that were in AfriKa before slavery, but I’m no historian, and that’s a tangent so let us move forward.

The term “Slave Mind” is defined as Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by professionals. In my professional opinion, it is a mentality that any human can contract. People of all color hate, but I’m going to back on this slave mind chet. While I am not the first to discover this information, it seems that I may be one of the few that understand the words being used to describe this mental affliction. From my professional observation of people with this mentality, I’ve developed 3 soundproof solutions for everyone on an individual level.

Thoughts. “So a man thinketh he becometh.” If you spend time thinking negatively about everything then you will probably encounter negative experiences. The same can be said if one thinks positively. Remember, everything is about perception. You can see the bad in it or find the good in it.

Actions. Actions are thoughts in motion. While words are charming and make people “feel” good, one’s action will tell you what their words attempt to hide. Make sure your actions match your thoughts and your words.

Direction. Know where you’re going. Why? In order to get somewhere, you have to know where to go. When you think about where you want to be you will naturally begin to take action and persistently pursue your deepest passions. Whatever they may be. Know where you’re going by preparing yourself before the journey, it’s the only shortcut this life has to offer.

In short, my book “Slave Minds” can be described by the song “Black Boy Fly” in the last three bars. This mentality must be removed from the deepest crevices in the cerebral cortex in the minds of people all over the world. But let’s keep it simple as a pimple, focus on your thoughts, actions, and direction while minding your business and you will see an instant change in your life. While we want to save everyone, we must realize that at the end of the day you can’t help anyone who isn’t willing to help themselves. With that said do you, get some goals, and mind your phüccn business…..”And there you have it.”


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